About ATM Oirschot

Since 1986, ATM Oirschot has specialised in the treatment of products made of various types of material, ferrous and non-ferrous (in particular anodising, hard anodising, pickling, passivation, chromating, cleanroom cleaning and packaging).



Both ATM Oirschot and ATM Mould Cleaning are approved to ISO9001:2008. Our processes are detailed  within our quality manual.  In order to provide assurance of the process being carried out; all data regarding baths, equipment, compressed air, cleaning, etc. are systematically recorded.

All employees receive periodic training to ensure their working knowledge of quality requirements.

24-hour service

Given the fact that ATM is often at the end of the product process, we understand that every hour can count for our customers. ATM offers a 24-hour service to relieve customers of their worries.

Delivery Reliability & Flexibility

The treatments that we carry out for our customers are often one of the last links in the logistical process, which means there can be additional time pressures. ATM is aware of this and always strives for delivery reliability, without compromising on quality.  

Our transparent and flat organisation, with short lines of communication, enables us to communicate quicky both internally and with our customers,We can respond quickly and accurately to changing circumstances and customer queries.

Support & Contact